Favorite Series

SYLO:  1--SYLO, 2--Storm, 3--Strike

Haven:  1--Haven, 2--Mirage, 3--Eternal

Firelight:  1--Firelight, 2--Vanish, 3--Hidden

Throne of Glass:  1--Throne of Glass, 2--Crown of Midnight

White Rabbit Chronicles:  1--Alice in Zombieland, 2--Through the Zombie Glass

Sweet Venom:  1--Sweet Venom, 2--Sweet Shadows, 3--Sweet Legacy

Dead is:  1--Dead is the New Black, 2--Dead is a State of Mind, 3--Dead is So Last Year, 4--Dead is Just a Rumor, 5--Dead is Not an Option, 6--Dead is a Battlefield, 7--Dead is a Killer Tune, 8--Dead is Just a Dream

Chronicles of Vladimir Tod:  1--Eighth Grade Bites, 2--Ninth Grade Slays, 3--Tenth Grade Bleeds, 4--Eleventh Grade Burns, 5--Twelfth Grade Kills

Slayer Chronicles:  1--First Kill, 2--Second Chance, 3--Third Strike

Bad Taste in Boys:  1--Bad Taste in Boys, 2--Bad Hair Day

Legacy:  1--Legacy, 2--Poison

Iron Fey:   1--Iron King, 2--Iron Daughter, 3--Iron Queen, 4--Iron Knight, 5--Lost Prince, 6--Iron Traitor

Wereling:  1--Wereling, 2--Dark Moon, 3--Blood Wolf, 4--Demon Games, 5--Zombie Dawn

Witch and Wizard:  1--Witch and Wizard, 2--The Gift, 3--The Fire, 4--The Kiss

Familiars:  1--The Familiars, 2--Secrets of the Crown, 3--Circle of Heroes

Alex Van Helsing:  1--Vampire Rising, 2--Voice of the Undead, 3--Triumph of Death

Wereworld:  1--Rise of the Wolf, 2--Rage of Lions, 3--Shadow of the Hawk, 4--Nest of Serpents, 5--Storm of Sharks, 6--War of the Werelords

Ruby Red Trilogy:  1--Ruby Red, 2--Sapphire Blue, 3--Emerald Green

Haunting Emma:  1--Deception, 2--Betrayal, 3--Surrender

Claire de Lune:  1--Claire de Lune, 2--Nocturne

Mystyx:  1--Manifest, 2--Mystify, 3--Mayhem, 4--Mesmerize

Dead Beautiful:  1--Dead Beautiful, 2--Life Eternal

Bad Girls Don't Die:  1--Bad girls don't die, 2--From Bad to Cursed, 3--As Dead as It Gets

The Missing:  1--Found, 2--Sent, 3--Sabotaged, 4--Torn, 5--Caught, 6--Risked

The Slayer Chronicles:  1--First Kill, 2--Second Chance

Summer Trilogy:  1--Summer I Turned Pretty, 2--It's Not Summer Without You, 3--We'll Always Have Summer

Vietnam (I Pledge Allegiance):  1--I Pledge Allegiance, 2--Sharpshooter, 3--Free-fire Zone, 4--Casualties of War